
Archive for July, 2011

If you’re as bummed as we are that the Bones panel at Comic-Con was scrapped at the last minute, take heart: Fox has released a small piece of what fans would have seen at the panel.

Bones Exclusive: Who’s the new gravedigger?

Although the video clip below contains no new footage (shooting on the new season only began earlier this week), it’s a fun little ride through last season. The sizzle reel includes a montage of disgusting skeletons, plenty of squintern playfulness and more than a little talk about babies. In fact, the clip ends with David Boreanaz‘s  Booth yelling, “Bang! Mama Bones!”

In light of last season’s cliff-hanger, we can only imagine the laughs/cheers that line would have gotten inside one of Comic-Con’s packed halls.

Bones returns Thursday, Nov. 2 at 8/7c on Fox.


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Amy Winehouse

Troubled, Grammy-winning singer Amy Winehouse has been found dead in her North London home, Sky News is reporting. The Daily Mail reports that police have confirmed the passing.

In a statement, the London Metropolitan Police said, “Police were called by London Ambulance Service to an address in Camden Square NW1 shortly before 16.05hrs today, Saturday 23 July, following reports of a woman found deceased. On arrival officers found the body of a 27-year-old female who was pronounced dead at the scene. Enquiries continue into the circumstances of the death. At this early stage it is being treated as unexplained.”

suspected drug overdose took the life of the singer, Nick Buckley of the Sunday Mirror tweeted.

She’s battled drug addiction for years, having most recently checked back into rehabilitation in May.

Winehouse entered treatment in late 2007 for drug problems, including admitted heroin use.

Earlier in the day, Gatt tweeted a statement saying that she was withdrawing from all of her upcoming performances, writing, “Amy Winehouse is withdrawing from all scheduled performances. Everyone involved wishes to do everything they can to help her return to her best and she will be given as long as it takes for this to happen.”

Winehouse has had previous near-death experiences, including one her ex-husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, described in detail back in 2009.

“I knelt over her as she kept on fitting. But then suddenly she just passed out and stopped breathing,” he told The Sun (via NME). It was the most frightening thing I had ever seen. I felt sure I was watching her die right in front of me. I didn’t know what to do or how to save her. I held her to me – and I thought she was dying in my arms. But somehow I managed to open her mouth and breathe air down her throat.”

In January, 2010, she pled guilty to assaulting a theater stage manager.

In 2008, after some confusion, a spokesperson for Winehouse confirmed that she had “early signs of what could lead to emphysema.”


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Christian Kane (Leverage, Angel) Interview

Leverage star Christian Kane opened up a little about what to expect out of season four of his hit TNT show currently in progress, his music career, his trademark raspy voice and an inside secret to his hair?

Leverage is a show about four former criminals and one former insurance man who together help people in need against big business or who get knocked around being the little guy. The group uses the latest technology, cons, scams, any criminal element they might have picked up over the years in order to right the wrong and provide “leverage” against overwhelming odds.

On why the show is a hit even though the characters of the show aren’t your prototypical good guys and do a lot of illegal activities, Christian Kane said, “This show has always been more of an Oceans 11 type of skeleton with a hint or more of the A-Team involved. Both well done for their time and you always view them as the good guys even though they wore black hats. You can be a great, heroic bad guy if the foe you’re taking down has more evil in them than you.” Remember folks Robin Hood gave to the poor, but he had to steal from the rich in order to do it.

Season four premiered a few weeks back and Christian gave us an inside scoop on what to expect, “This season is much more about the relationships flowering with the rest of the team.” Kane who plays Eliot Spencer, the tough guy/fighter of the group, “There were a lot of fights in season three. Not so many in season four. I think they are concentrating more on the Nate/Sophie, Parker/Hardison relationships this year. Eliot is kind of a fifth wheel with these story lines. No room for a fighter when romance is in the air.” That doesn’t mean we won’t be seeing some action out of the Southerner.

The show is currently based in Boston, Massachusetts (my hometown), but shot in Portland, Oregon. As a local Boston actor, I asked Christian his thoughts on filming in a place trying to represent another, “Sometimes it’s strange to be based in a city you’re not actually filming in. It’s one less mask your wearing when you are in the real setting. I have been to Boston several times on radio tour for my music and love the town. It would be pretty expensive to actually film in Boston, but it would be such a luxury. Portland, OR has been great to us though. I know Tim would love it since he’s from there.” That Tim would be Academy Award winner Timothy Hutton who spent some of his childhood in the Bay State and plays Nathan Ford the leader of the group in Leverage.

Christian Kane has a music career outside of his acting that many people don’t know about. In season 3, his character Eliot performed in an episode. “The music episode was talked about in advance with me and John and Dean. I knew it was coming, but didn’t know the size or content it would hold. I was very fortunate to have my own song “Thinking of You” in the ep. and it did very well on iTunes. That show was one of the highest rated Leverages of all time. With my new single coming out today, I’m very fortunate that this show was a great billboard for those that didn’t know I was a musician.”

His raspy voice makes him a solid country-style singer and has become a trademark of his. What has also become a trademark is his hair in Leverage. When asked what he gets asked more about his voice or hair, “Hahaaa. Probably the hair more with Leverage, but the voice does have its place in the question realm. Not a lot of guys on primetime with long hair so I think maybe it just draws attention. I do have the hair for a specific reason on the show, but if I told you I’d have to kill you. All I will say is ‘Rogue Warrior‘.”

As a TV die hard myself, I had to ask him about Mark Sheppard. If you don’t know his name, look him up, the man has been in practically every TV show the past ten years from Battlestar Galactica to Supernatural to playing Nathan Ford’s archenemy in Leverage. I asked Christian if people call Mark “Lucky” or if they give him a good ribbing for being on EVERY TV show, “Mark Sheppard is very talented. That is why he works so much. He’s like me, he’s the token bad guy. Our voices and troubled brows tend to move us to the dark side a little more than others. We have been great friends for over ten years and I always love the days we get to work together.”

Christian Kane would like everyone to know his new single from his band Kane is out and it’s called “Let Me Go.” You can go to ChristianKane.com to find upcoming tour dates for the fall. And of course watch Leverage: Season 4 airing now.

– Ken Murray
Staff Writer


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CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) – The space shuttle Atlantis returned from NASA’s final shuttle mission on Thursday, ending a 30-year era that opened the space frontier, exposed its dangers and established a toehold for future endeavors beyond Earth.

NASA workers lined the runway at the Kennedy Space Center before dawn to greet Atlantis and its crew upon their return from a successful 13-day cargo run to the International Space Station and to celebrate the conclusion of the shuttle program after 135 flights.


“I saw grown men and grown women crying today, tears of joy to be sure,” said shuttle launch director Mike Leinbach. “Human emotions came out the runway today. You couldn’t suppress them.”

Sailing through an unusually clear and moonlit night, Atlantis commander Chris Ferguson gently steered the 100-tonne spaceship high overhead, then nose-dived toward the swamp-surrounded landing strip a few miles from where Atlantis will go on display as a museum piece.

Double sonic booms shattered the silence around the space center, the last time residents will hear the distinctive sound of a shuttle coming home.

Ferguson eased Atlantis onto the runway at 5:57 a.m. EDT (0957 GMT), ending a 5.2 million-mile (8.4 million-km) journey and closing a key chapter in human space flight history.

“Mission complete, Houston,” Ferguson radioed to Mission Control.

Kennedy Space Center director Bob Cabana later told reporters: “It’s been our number one goal the last couple of years to safely fly out the shuttle program, and we accomplished that.”

Atlantis’ landing capped a three-decade-long program that made spaceflight appear routine, despite two fatal accidents that killed 14 astronauts and destroyed two of NASA’s five spaceships.

The last accident investigation board recommended the shuttles be retired after construction was finished on the space station, a $100 billion project of 16 nations. That milestone was reached this year, leaving the orbiting research station as the shuttle program’s crowning legacy.

“Its job is done and we got them back and can put them safely in museums and be proud of what they did,” said veteran astronaut Stephen Robinson, who was among those on the runway.

Details of a follow-on program are still pending, but the objective is to build new spaceships that can travel beyond the station’s near-Earth orbit and send astronauts to the moon, asteroids and other destinations in deep space.

The final shuttle crew included just four astronauts — Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley, flight engineer Rex Walheim and mission specialist Sandy Magnus — rather than the typical six or seven, a precaution in case Atlantis was too damaged to safely attempt the return to Earth. With no more shuttles available for a rescue, NASA’s backup plan was to rely on the smaller Russian Soyuz capsules.


“The things that you’ve done will set us up for exploration of the future,” NASA Administrator Charles Bolden told the “final four” astronauts as they emerged from their ship.

Ferguson thanked the thousands of workers involved in the program over the years and said he hoped “this fantastic vehicle” would inspire a new generation of space explorers.

“Although we got to take the ride, we sure hope that everybody who has ever worked on or touched or looked at or envied or admired a space shuttle was able to take just a little part of the journey with us,” Ferguson said.

Thousands more employees gathered with their families to watch the landing on a giant television at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, home of Mission Control and NASA’s main astronaut training facility. As the shuttle touched down, a cheer arose through the crowd that gathered outside the center’s headquarters building.

But now that Atlantis is home, 3,200 of the shuttle program’s 5,500 contract workers will lose their jobs on Friday. Within about a month, the contract workforce that totaled about 16,000 five years ago will tail off to about 1,000 people who will oversee the transfer of Atlantis and sister ships Discovery and Endeavour to museums.

The shuttles’ retirement opens the door for a new commercial space transportation industry. NASA will be relying on U.S. companies to deliver cargo to the station starting next year and to fly its astronauts there by about 2015.

Until space taxis are available, Russia will take on the job of flying crews to the station, at a cost of more than $50 million per person.

The primary goal of Atlantis’ flight was to deliver a year’s worth of supplies to the station in case NASA’s newly hired cargo suppliers, Space Exploration Technologies and Orbital Sciences Corp, encounter delays preparing their new vehicles for flight.


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7 Things Your Husband Wants to Tell You

While you may not buy into the idea that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, when it comes to communication, men and women do express themselves in different ways. “For women, the purpose of communication is most often to relate; for men, it’s usually to share information,” says Karen Gail Lewis, EdD, relationship therapist and author of Why Don’t You Understand? So while it may seem to you that he disregards your feelings, he might be wishing like crazy you would just tell him what you want. Read on to learn seven things your husband wants to tell you in order to help bridge the communication gap.

1. A small “thank-you” makes a huge difference.

You might think, “I do plenty around here, so why do I have to say ‘thank you’ whenever he pitches in?” But he probably doesn’t agree: “I’d cook, clean, do the dishes and laundry much more happily if my wife said ‘thank you’ more often,” says James.* Just like you, he needs appreciation and, yes, a little ego-stroking. “Studies have shown that happy couples give compliments often. Offering a simple ‘thank-you’ is an easy way to show appreciation and make him feel significant,” says Todd Creager, licensed marriage therapist and author of The Long, Hot Marriage.

2. I’m more likely to offer you concrete advice than a shoulder to cry on.

When you come home from work and start complaining to your husband about your demanding boss, to him it sounds like you’re asking for help—even if all you want is a sympathetic ear. Dave* encounters this often: “The other day my wife was venting about a problem. Every time I came up with a solution or suggestion she would interrupt and dismiss it. She thinks I’m telling her what to do, or implying that she can’t think of solutions on her own.” Know that when he gives you advice for handling that bad boss or overbearing sister-in-law, “that’s how he shows that he cares,” says Dr. Lewis. Try not to confuse his advice with criticism, but don’t be shy about telling him, “You know, I’ve tried that, too. I think what I really need now is to just vent!”

Get marriage advice from the “other woman.”


3. If you want a chore done by a certain day, tell me that.

You asked him four times to fix the wobbly cabinet door to no avail, so your complaints about him not doing it seem justified. “My wife does this all the time. I know I have things on my mental to-do list that she wants me to handle, and I will! But unless she tells me it’s urgent, I’m going to get to it when I can,” says Don.* When he hears you ask for a task or chore to be done, all he’s hearing is that you want it done—not that you want it done based on a time line you’ve set but haven’t shared with him, says Dr. Lewis. “He wishes you knew that he’d be very happy to fix whatever you want fixed, so long as you’re specific: ‘It would be great if you got that cabinet door fixed by the time my parents arrive on Sunday.’”

4. Tell me directly what’s bothering you.

Since human beings lived in caves, men have probably sat around bewildered by their mates’ fluctuating moods, wondering why she won’t just say, “I’m pissed off at you because…” instead of, “I’m fine” through clenched teeth. The thing is, he knows there’s something wrong, thanks to the exaggerated sighing and stomping around. “You may think you’re not communicating, but you are. What you feel is being transmitted,” says Creager, just not in a healthy way. The key is to express it directly––“I’m upset that you came home and went straight to the computer”––rather than being passive-aggressive.

Learn how to move past the same old fights for a happier marriage.


5. Please don’t ask me how you look in that dress.

First of all, there’s no right answer to a question like, “Do these pants make me look fat?” Then there are the times you ask his opinion even though you’ve already made up your mind: “My wife seems to ask things like ‘Should I buy that dress?’ to confirm her choice, not to get my real opinion. And if she asks me how she looks in a dress, I know well enough to say ‘I love it!’ no matter what I really think,” says Alex.* So either don’t ask at all, or be specific, advises Dr. Lewis. “Ask him, ‘Do you think these shoes match this dress?’” And definitely think before you ask things like “Does my butt look big in this skirt?” If you want a blanket “You look great to me all the time, honey!” then you’re fine as long as your husband’s willing to play along. But if it’s honesty you’re after, be careful what you wish for.

6. I wish you didn’t think we had to talk all the time to be close.

You both get home from work, or finally get the kids into bed, and then you just sit there watching television. You call this togetherness? The truth is that he does, even if to you, it’s not “being together” unless you’re actively having a conversation. “The silence in the room, and just your presence, feels like closeness to a man,” says Dr. Lewis. “He doesn’t necessarily need, as you might, to be engaged in conversation in order to feel connected to you.” So every now and then, reach out and squeeze his hand, and if you want to talk, say so––but don’t assume that silence equals lack of interest.

Find out 10 things that turn men off.

7. I wish you wanted sex more.

You may be thinking that your hubby always wants sex, but what you don’t understand is that by rejecting him you’re making him wonder what he’s doing wrong. “Many men think, ‘I must not be so good at it,’” says Dr. Lewis. It’s not just about his needs; it’s also about pleasing you. “Both men and women want to feel intimate with each other, and what women need to understand is that men often derive intimacy from sex––whereas oftentimes women need intimacy in order to have sex. So talk about what you both really want, and find compromises that work for you,” she adds. And if you are in the mood? Act on it! He’ll not only love that you initiated it, but also appreciate feeling desired by you.


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It’s no secret Lady Gaga likes to shock the public with her look. You’ve seen her in meat, drenched inblood, and covered with Kermits. But Bette Midler called Gaga a copycat on Twitter. The beef is about a wheelchair-bound mermaid character that Gaga unveiled at a concert in Sydney last week. It turns out that Midler had performed in an almost identical getup for millions of fans three decades ago, while playing her alter-ego character named Delores DeLago. This weekend Midler fired off a series of critical tweets to the pop star, saying, “I’ve been doing the mermaid in a wheelchair since 1980. You can keep the meat dress.” In case you’re wondering, Gaga was “born this way” in 1986. Gaga’s 11 million Twitter followers didn’t like the cracks at their Mother Monster and said Gaga did the mermaid look better. When asked about the copycat accusations, Lady Gaga told Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush, “I had no idea that she did that and I’m a huge Bette Midler fan…Maybe we’re just cut from the same cloth. I couldn’t hop around in that tail so I just stuck myself in a wheelchair.” Midler also toned down her message. She tweeted to Gaga, “Fabulous mermaids can co-exist.”

Two things that may not be able to co-exist are walking and texting, at least if you live in Philadelphia. Philly pedestrians who text while they walk could be fined as part of the city’s “Give respect, Get respect” program. The campaign aims to curb bad behavior among motorists, bikers, and pedestrians, and the city has already given nearly 600 warnings to cyclists, many guilty of running red lights or not riding in bike lanes. Now Philly says it’s cracking down on walking texters, who might have to cough up $120 for texting and not watching where they’re going. Hundreds of people across social media are ticked off by the texting clamp down. They’re calling the City of Brotherly Love a “nanny state” and call the law “ridiculous.” But if you remember the viral video of a woman falling into a mall fountain while texting and not paying attention, you might think twice before dissing Philly’s new law.

Because of the slipping economy and e-reader revolution, Borders is headed to the history section. After it couldn’t find a buyer, the nation’s second-largest bookstore says it will close its remaining 399 stores by September, causing an emotional response on Twitter. Nearly 11,000 employees will be laid off, some of whom are sending nostalgic tweets like, “I will miss the company I’ve worked for for 10 years… RIP Borders. You’ll always have a special place in my heart. :(” But other tweets are not as touching. One New York resident tweeted, “So we lost #Borders? Guess I’m gonna have to help them clean out the Columbus Circle store.” And just in case you’re wondering, Borders’ sales start Friday.



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